Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Our whole trip got planned around a visit to Chimay. Chimay is a Trappist Beer, and brewed by Trappist Monks at an abbey. They don't give tours, but you can wander the grounds, look at the monks, and smell the beer. It was very peaceful and beautiful. We stayed at the Auberge de Poteaupre, which is owned by Chimay. You can also stay at the Abbey, but you have to live like a monk... no talking, robes, etc. We decided eating meatballs and drinking our weight in Chimay was a better plan. The drive from Champagne to Chimay was interesting. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, and the roads are kinda... tiny. At one point we had to pull off into a ditch for some interesting oncoming traffic. The hotel itself is in the middle of lovely fields with lots of cows.
Our rooms was fantastic. Huge soft bed, huge bathroom and the worlds best mini bar. We ate Chimay cheese and drank Chimay beer until we were bursting.
We also visited dowtown, and when to a castle. Learned a little bit about the history of Chimay, and then it was time to drink again. :-)
Slept like rocks, and tomorrow, it's off to Brugges.


  1. Seriously, Bridge... You NEED to do something in the photography field! Your pictures are beautiful! It looks like a great trip!

  2. Oh my gosh! So awesome. I love Chimay. You two are having such amazing adventures!!! I agree with Holly - I am so impressed by all your pictures. Keep 'em coming...
