Friday, May 21, 2010

Behold... best dinner ever.

Very rarely do I make a meal that I feel the need to pat myself on the head for making... last night was such an occasion.
Enchiladas and polenta bread... it was supposed to be corn bread, but cornmeal was unavailable at shope.
I made enchilada sauce from scratch, which was way easier than I thought it would be a SO much better than any canned enchilada sauce I've ever had. I highly recommend trying it.
The Polenta bread was flour, polenta, corn, and chopped jalapenos (well... the french equivalent of the jalapeno, which I believe is actually called a New Jersey long hot... how's that for funny)
We also made Sangria, which was delicious.. so delicious... we drank all of it... 2 pitchers worth... oops.
Sorry for the ghetto table & pitcher... I promise more glamorous table shots when we get our stuff :-)
So... who is the next to come visit?


  1. Dude. November. November. Going to try to book travel by July!
