Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stupid Dog...

So... I'm in charge of watching these 2 little dogs for a friend of Mike's... One of them is this tiny little poodle dog, which normally I don't like, but she is very sweet & follows me everywhere... the other one is Inky. Inky is an older, very mellow & low key little black dog... until this morning... and this morning, he is not my friend.
He is not my friend, because this morning at 530, I woke up to make coffee & figured I would take the dogs out too... cause I'm sweet.
So, I'm in my pink fuzzy robe and mikes slippers... when Inky takes off RUNNING. I ran after him, whisper yelling for him to come back, and one of the slipper flew off... I tripped and destroyed my big toe... I will spare you the pictures, as it's nasty... I got the friggin dog, walked him upstairs... bleeding and crying.
My toe is now missing a bit of skin and VERY sore... and I am crabby.
Stupid dog.

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