Sunday, July 4, 2010

B.A.S.E. & Mont Blanc

We stumbled back to the hotel last night, and talked to some base jumpers... Went to bed, and slept SO well. Woke up to open the door, and find someone packing their canopy in the hallway. Rad.
We take the tram to the top of the cliff, and as we are getting out of the car, see people hucking off the cliff. Despite my non interest in base jumping myself, it is darn cool to watch.
We hike around looking for exit points, and then we were back in the car.
. Exit signs in Switzerland are funny.
Our final destination is Mont Blanc.
We drive to Geneva... stop for gas, and go to Burgerking to get a coke... and then drive as fast out of Geneva as is possible, fearing that just being there will be expensive... No, we did not get the $15.75 whopper value meal.
Mont Blanc is Lovely... We had Raclette for dinner, and tried unsuccessfully to break into the hot tub.
We dropped Travis off at the Train Station, and now we are home. We are going to BBQ and in the morning we will watch Fireworks live on Fox 5.
Happy 4th of July.

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