Saturday, July 3, 2010

Small world in Switzerland

So, Mike suggests we go to Switzerland... and I think, "Cool... CHocolate!"...
So we drive through the Alps, up and down the craziest roads you can imagine... I think they must film BMW commercials on these roads...

...Behold... Blue Steel..
We end up in Lauterbrunnen, which is a charming little swiss town... So, we are exploring the town, and as we are walking up the street, we see a familiar face coming towards with a big bag on his shoulder... He greets us by name... and then I figure out where we are.
The man we saw was one of our wing suit skydiving friends, and the bag on his shoulder contained his B.A.S.E. rig and his wing suit. We have not come to Switzerland for the chocolate. We have come to the bestest place in for people to jump off of very tall sheer cliffs. Legally.
Type Lauterbrunnen into you tube and you will see what I mean.
Still being a bit stunned about how small the world is, we check into "base paradise", The Horner Pub Hotel. They are very nice to us, and let us stay there even though we are not base jumpers.
We go down the street for dinner, and find that it is the local hangout for the crazy swiss singers. We drink a lot of beer and have bratwurst and fondu for dinner. Then, we got a little Surprise... we hung out there till Midnight. It was wonderfully bizarre.

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