Friday, July 2, 2010

Lake Como

So, We had breakfast, left Venice... Bye Venice... ... we will be back! Then we went back to Milan to get Travis, and decided to pop over to Lake Como. We got there, and took the tram to the top of the mountain...
hiked around, and came back down... Remembered that we had no dinner plans or Hotel... we decided to get on that.. we wandered about, found a 3 Star hotel that was very "the Shining" esque, and went to get the car... Trying to drive to the hotel, we found ourselves, in the Audi, in the middle of a rave.
Very very very odd...
Lake Como is not a town for night owls... it was 11pm, and we were starving. Almost all restaurants were closed. We found one that was open, and it was wonderful. Right on the lake, and delicious... mostly because we were starving... but it was good. The owner came out & drank beer with us, and talked smack about the French. He informed us that Mr. Clooney had just arrived today, and told us how lovely the boat ride to Bellagio was, so that is our plan for tomorrow. We ended the evening at the afterparty for the rave at an outdoor bar/cafe at 2am... with me sleeping in a chair :-)

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