Friday, March 19, 2010

9:23 + Jetlag + French lecture about Physics=Zzzzzz

Today, after lovely lunch, I went to a class about French Architecture, which was in French, and I actually followed it, for the most part... I even learned something about formal gardens being about control of man over nature.
Then... I cam home... and tonight was Science night at the place we are staying. Tonight's lecture & slideshow was about the e-ray... it was in French... and it was 2.5 hours long... Mike had to keep pinching me to stay awake... it was bad. The speaker wouldn't stop talking... then people kept asking him more questions... prompting him to talk more... it was mind numbing... Dinner was good... Paella with chicken, sausage, fresh squid and mussels.
I go bed now.
Tomorrow is Saturday & exploring with MM.
Can't wait.
More photo's tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! I love mackinfrance!! I feel like I'm there with you. And I'm starving- where are the pictures of the food you keep talking about? John says hi! Love you and miss you lots!
