Monday, March 29, 2010

Food Log

So, I have a few pictures to share, but I have been talking about the wonderful food here... here is a rundown of the wonderful dinners I've had in France.  EVERY Meal has cheese as the last course.  I have yet to have a dinner that was less than phenomenal.  Mike's new plan to keep me busy is to send me to French cooking class, and I can then teach him what I learn.
The list is in order... the photos are more of a jumble...
Simple dinner of Cheese, bread, olives, meats, salad & oysters.
Cassoulet.  I am going to have to learn how to make this, as it is good.  Mike calls it French beanie-weenie.
Sea Trout.  The fish here is just fabulous.
I got to cook dinner!  Irish Stew.  MMMMMmmmm.  Good to know I can make comfort food over here.  Everyone seemed to like it.
Turkey Curry... contained no actual curry, which is probably why I loved it.  It had this lovely spicy couscous spice in it.  very spicy & very good.
Camilla's Birthday.  A kabab place in Aix-en-Provence.  Doner Kabob...SO GOOD!  Basically a european burrito.
Pizza night.  There is a local guy who sings opera and makes pizza in the tiny little shop just down the hill.  The pizza is really good!  (no hotdogs this time!)
Lamb Stew.

Fish & Chips.  Couscous Salad with Octopus... thought it was gonna make me barf... but ended up loving it.
Roast Lamb with Wild Mushroom Gravy & potatoes.
Dinner tonight is supposed to be fancy and French, since new people are coming to stay at the house.  I'll let ya know tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I just ate half a box of petite butter wafers. I know you're tres jaloux, Bridget.
