Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tired Beyond Belief.

I am here. I am in France. Rians to be specific. It's a very small town with a huge and lovely old church in the center.
This Post could get a little weird, as I am just a little bit punchy from ZERO SLEEP on the plane(s). Too excited to sleep & too worried about doing something stupid to drink or take a happy sleepy pill.
Made it to Frankfurt & through customs. Got a stamp on my visa. Found my gate, made it to Marseille. On the plane, I just kept looking out the window not quite believing that this is actually happening.
My suitcases were among the first off the plane, and my 4 California wines were intact.
Mike was waiting for me at the gate with flowers.
It was weird seeing him. Really weird. It took me a while before it didn't feel like a dream. He looked happy & he still smelled the same.
We had a perfect French lunch or roast chicken, bread, cheese & wine. He is back at work for a few hours, and I am left on my own to get settled. I have been ordered not to nap, as I'm trying to get on France time. This is easier said than done.
Today, I poke around & tonight, dinner at Sergei’s, whose house we may rent beginning next month.
Au Revoir for now.

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