Thursday, March 25, 2010

Salsa Dancing for the crabby

We were forced into merriment last night with new friends here as it was someone's birthday. We wanted to be polite and social, but we both had that little voice in the back of our heads screaming "NO!!! Fake a seizure... something... anything... this will not end well!"
We were assured it was going to be drive to Aix(which everyone says is 25 minutes away, but it's much closer to 60)... have a quick bite, have a cocktail... and be home well before 10...
At 11pm we were at Club Havana... we were finally allowed to drive home and get to bed by 12.
Something we are finding out, the truth is very relative here...
Tonight we are getting pizza, drinking wine, and holing up in our room to watch a movie.
It is feeling more like spring here... still chilly, but not the bitter cold Mike experienced when he first got here.
I took a long walk through town and looked at the flowers coming up, while being showered with almond blossom petals. Here are more pictures from the lovely town or Rians.
I'm off to plan the weekend now.
Bonne Journee!


  1. Did you guys ever actually salsa dance? I don't see Mike Salsa dancing?

  2. By the way.....its says "Tom" but its Amy....I cannot figure out how to change it :)
