Friday, March 19, 2010


Good Morning! I slept. It was nice. What was nicer than sleeping was waking up to see Mike in bed next to me. We woke up, made coffee, which I was afraid of, as I have always only had coffee with lots of Milk & lots of coffeemate. The coffee was shockingly good with just milk & sugar. We showered & dressed & walked to the Boulangerie for Quiche and a ham & cheese croissant. SO good. Michael is now at work, and I am going to walk around Rians and take photos, then walk down to the store & attempt to shop for lunch & dinner. Kinda nervous about that. I am also going to go to the post office & get some stamps. The remainder of the day will be planning a daytrip to Aux and St Maximan, then getting my ass on Rosetta stone. Photos to be posted later. Happy Friday.

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