Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mosaics & Beer

Today is my first real day in France... no "Bridget Just got here" excitement, no Birthday extravaganza, no weekend... real day.
I did a load of laundry, studied my french, walked to the store for beer, and cheese, and went with Camilla to her Mosaic studio class. I may sign up for one if we find a house. I'm going to try to post at least one picture a day. Today's is Vinon... the town we won't be living in as we didn't get that house.
Birthday dinner was last night, and 8 people came over to help us celebrate, so it's good think I made a vat of stew.
Tonight is Turkey Curry for dinner, so we shall see if the streak of every meal being amazing is broken... as I typically hate curry.
More house hunting tomorrow.


  1. How was the Turkey Curry????

  2. The Turkey Curry was good, very spicy, and I later found out, contained no actual curry.
