Monday, March 22, 2010

Where there is smoke... there are curlers.

I curl my hair with curlers... it makes it shiny and pretty and it is fast & easy.
I have traveled with curlers in Europe before... (yes I realize that is a bit high maintience.)
Not the curlers I currently have... other ones.
But I figure... Curlers are curlers.
So, today being my Birthday, I plug in my curlers for the first time...
Smoke comes BILLOWING out of the curlers.
It was not pretty.
It now smells like burning.
My hair will be in a bun until the transformers we ordered arrive in 2 months.
I say again... BAH!!!
On the up side... dinner smells Delicious!
And tonight... CHAMPAGNE!


  1. Feliz cumpleanos! Oh, and when Kazuko and I were there I blew up my digital camera charger.When Jason was in Barcelona he shorted out an entire hotel. Europe smells like burning!

  2. Leave a little bit of France (or Europe!) unburny smelling for me! Where are the pics of you guys, B?! And hot dog pizza??? I thought you went to France, not the South!!!

  3. Waiting to hear about the champagne....

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGET!!! Hope you had a wonderful day :) Glad to see that you're finding your way there, I knew you would!
