Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So, When you type Venice into the GPS... it gives you directions to Venice California. Super helpful, huh?
So, after remembering I say Venice spelled weird in a magazine, I re-typed it properly, and we were on our way.
It is the most beautiful place ever. No cars, makes it very quiet.
We packed light, so we parked our car, and grabbed our backpacks, and the bag I was using as a purse (Which mike has told me he's going t throw in the garbage when we got home, cause it's not secure...)
Went to the internet cafe, found a fancy-ass-hotel for 1/2 price, that was right on the grand canal.
Dropped off our bags and started exploring.
Venice makes me want to paint.
The Shawl I bought in Milan is coming in handy as it crams nicely into a purse pocket.
Window shopping here is fabulous... there are actually glove stores... GLOVE STORES!!!

We watched soccer, had cocktails and watched the sunset... Just before I tool this picture... there was a girl smoking who wouldn't get out of the way... just standing there... smoking... and scratching her boob for abour 3 minutes... and yes... I took a picture of that... but I will spare you. We finally found dinner at 11:30... and thus far, we have not been blown away by italian food in Italy... I think we went to bed at 2... again... Yes!


Ah... Milano... land of a million mesquitos... bah!

We overslept & missed breakfast :-(
Bad way to start the day... however... we powered through, found some grub, grabbed a subway train, and headed to the Duomo...
It is lovely.
I read up on Milan and the duomo before I left. The key points are...
1. Don't let anyone touch you. They will try to put bracelets on you and birdseed in your hand, and then demand money. (despite warnings... Travis has 2 bracelets)
2. No bare knees or bare shoulders. I brought a wrap, but then forgot it in the hotel... There are ladies outside selling wraps for undisclosed amounts... I got one for 3 euro... a lady next to me paid 6...( hehehe.)
You are also not supposed to take pictures inside, but everyone does... and most people are respectful.We climbed to the top where the views are lovely......then headed to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II for coffee at rabarbaro Zucca for relaxing and people watching. The police here look like they are props for a Dolci & Gabana fashion shoot... it's crazy. (I would have taken a picture... but I didn't know if it was allowed...) Then we went to dance on the bull... which ensures a year of goodluck :-)
We found the Da vinci statue... and then... it was off to Venice!!! Travis stayed behind to visit with his Fam. who were there on business.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nice and Monaco

We drove through Nice and Monaco today... had a very unfortunate lunch in Nice... got stuck in a very long tunnel, drove though San Marzano where they grow all the fancy italian tomato's I like to use for sauce... and now we are at the Hotel michelangelo... my first impression of Milan... bring mesquito repellent.

Mademoiselle Bridget Mack

We are about to leave for Milan, and I thought I'd do a random post...
Did you know mascara here is 15 euro? I'm not talking the fancy stuff... I'm talking maybelline.
Secondly... I got a "carte de Banc"... and it identifies me as Mademoiselle Bridget Mack... cool, huh?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Travis comes to visit!

Friday, Travis arrived. We all went to a very fun party on Friday, and drank a great deal of great beer. Yesterday, we took Travis to Aix-en-Provence. We drank pastis, walked around... a lot... drank some more pastis... had some lunch... and some more pastis.Then it was time to watch the US in the world cup... le sigh... :-(
The boys had some beers during the match... and I, sadly, decided we needed to get home somehow.
The amusing part was the table of super macho french dudes at the table next to us... orded the girliest cocktails... with little soccor ball shaker sticks in them...

As my reward I was very entertained... The boys decided that instead of having dinner, we'd go to "le manor" and drink some more... which had delirium on tap, and played fantastic 80's music! By this time (about 2am) it became apparent that my very cute shoes were not meant to be worn ALL DAY... and by the time we had to walk up the giant hill to he car... my heels were tore up, and I walked to the car barefoot.
:-(Thus, ending my dream of shoe shopping in Milan... which is where we are headed tomorrow.
Travis's reward was a lovely hangover :-)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last day of school!!!

So, today was the last day of school, and tonight, I pick up Travis at the train station. We will party in France all weekend, then head out to Italy & beyond... (Assuming MM gets a week off work)
To celebrate, I bought some Lavender at the market... Summer is upon us, and that mean the little man in the clock tower has changed... though he now appear to be a she...
To celebrate the summer solstice, all the towns have a fete de St. Jean... in which there is a huge bonfire lit, there is food and drink (well... moonshine...) and music... and as the fire begins to die down, they spread out the flames and hot coals in a line... and children jump over it... yep... c'est bon. As far as what I learned in French class...
When someone sneezes, you say "à tes souhaits"...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beaucoup Markets!

The Provence Markets are a major tourist draw... but they are also a part of life here. No matter where you live, there is a weekly market a reasonable distance away where you can get things you can't always find at the store. Aix-en-Provence is great because there is some sort of market there just about everyday.
The BIG market day in Aix is Saturday. The Big Market day in Vinon is Sunday, which is doubly good, because France is mostly closed on Sunday.
The Saturday market in Aix is HUGE. You can get everything there from Antiques to Wine...
Thursday (tomorrow) is the flower market in Aix, and I'll post more pictures of that.
...These are Cicadas. but in my mind, they are BEE's!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

France is a Tea Party

In the supermarket, on the town streets... no matter where you go, there are beautiful bakeries with gorgeous baked good within. It looks as if there is a perpetual tea party happening. It really is lovely, and these pictures barely do Justice to the reality that is the wondrous baked goods found here...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chateau de Cadarache

Last night Mike surprised me by taking me to a concert at the Chateau de Cadarache.
That's a really cool place where Iter & other places host parties, meetings & events.
The pianist was Mu-Ye Wu, and he played Chopin. It was lovely.
Afterwords, there were hors d'oeuvres and champagne. :-) Yay!
I also ran into a girl I go to school with. It was lovely. Today is yardwork day and there is a "Bon Fete" in town today... party till 2am :-)