Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beaucoup Markets!

The Provence Markets are a major tourist draw... but they are also a part of life here. No matter where you live, there is a weekly market a reasonable distance away where you can get things you can't always find at the store. Aix-en-Provence is great because there is some sort of market there just about everyday.
The BIG market day in Aix is Saturday. The Big Market day in Vinon is Sunday, which is doubly good, because France is mostly closed on Sunday.
The Saturday market in Aix is HUGE. You can get everything there from Antiques to Wine...
Thursday (tomorrow) is the flower market in Aix, and I'll post more pictures of that.
...These are Cicadas. but in my mind, they are BEE's!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bridget,

    You have quite the eye for photography. Thanks for all the great pictures. Hope you're having fun. I'm still trying to talk Holly into visiting but she keeps mentioning this wedding that we have to pay for.

