Sunday, June 27, 2010

Travis comes to visit!

Friday, Travis arrived. We all went to a very fun party on Friday, and drank a great deal of great beer. Yesterday, we took Travis to Aix-en-Provence. We drank pastis, walked around... a lot... drank some more pastis... had some lunch... and some more pastis.Then it was time to watch the US in the world cup... le sigh... :-(
The boys had some beers during the match... and I, sadly, decided we needed to get home somehow.
The amusing part was the table of super macho french dudes at the table next to us... orded the girliest cocktails... with little soccor ball shaker sticks in them...

As my reward I was very entertained... The boys decided that instead of having dinner, we'd go to "le manor" and drink some more... which had delirium on tap, and played fantastic 80's music! By this time (about 2am) it became apparent that my very cute shoes were not meant to be worn ALL DAY... and by the time we had to walk up the giant hill to he car... my heels were tore up, and I walked to the car barefoot.
:-(Thus, ending my dream of shoe shopping in Milan... which is where we are headed tomorrow.
Travis's reward was a lovely hangover :-)

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