Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lots of Fountains

Did you know, that Aix en Provence is often referred to as the city of a thousand fountains? There are lots of them... everywhere...
By the time our next visitor gets here, I should know my way around the city pretty well. Included in todays pictures are Ann's favorite donnor kabob place, happily next to the Shannon Pub, and the Mexican food place. Mmmmm. One of the fountains here is of a Sanglier, or wild boar, and it is said that if you touch it's snout, it's good luck.

1 comment:

  1. The bronze boar looks very much like the one at Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island, British Colombia, Canada, which also has the same tradition of rubbing its snout for good luck!

    The food and the city look amazing!
