Sunday, June 13, 2010

Houston, we have internet.

Michael & I are in the new house in Vinon-sur-Verdon (That's Vinon on the Verdon, which is the river that runs through the town) and we now have Internet, a dishwasher (one not named Bridget) a refrigerator sans ice maker (our ice maker IS named Bridget), and a washer & dryer.
Ann wins the prize for being very clever, as she sent us a small box marked "candy" full of small pods of coffeemate, which we miss... a lot... though we are getting buy with milk and flavored syrup. Still, there is nothing like a little coconut oil to start your day.
I am half way through my french class and it is helping a little. (A very little.) The placement test pretty much indicated that in French, I am functionally retarded... although now I know that to be "peu un en retard" is just to be a little late... so maybe I'm just a late bloomer.
I have much to tell, but it will have to wait till tomorrow. For now, I will tell you the story of out first house guest...
This is a House Centipede, and apparently, they are harmless & common... but they are big and scary, and I really don't like them. They look like aliens. The one that visited our house is no longer with us. I don't care if they are beneficial insects... (sorry Mom).


  1. I had no idea that little critter was French! I guess here in Santucky, we have fancy insects, too! They're disgusting and scary!!!

  2. I'm normally pretty okay with bugs, but I would not want to hang out with that one. It sounds like the house is coming together. I can't wait to see pictures! I'm so glad you have internet again...I've been missing my Bridget doses!

  3. Glad you guys finally got to move into your place, B! I'm sure you'll have your hands full with settling in, decorating and the like. Miss you!!!

  4. i hope you don't yell and bang your arms on the table when you get frustrated in your French class. Or swivel around on the ground using your legs. Can't wait to see pics of your new place!
