Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ah... Milano... land of a million mesquitos... bah!

We overslept & missed breakfast :-(
Bad way to start the day... however... we powered through, found some grub, grabbed a subway train, and headed to the Duomo...
It is lovely.
I read up on Milan and the duomo before I left. The key points are...
1. Don't let anyone touch you. They will try to put bracelets on you and birdseed in your hand, and then demand money. (despite warnings... Travis has 2 bracelets)
2. No bare knees or bare shoulders. I brought a wrap, but then forgot it in the hotel... There are ladies outside selling wraps for undisclosed amounts... I got one for 3 euro... a lady next to me paid 6...( hehehe.)
You are also not supposed to take pictures inside, but everyone does... and most people are respectful.We climbed to the top where the views are lovely......then headed to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II for coffee at rabarbaro Zucca for relaxing and people watching. The police here look like they are props for a Dolci & Gabana fashion shoot... it's crazy. (I would have taken a picture... but I didn't know if it was allowed...) Then we went to dance on the bull... which ensures a year of goodluck :-)
We found the Da vinci statue... and then... it was off to Venice!!! Travis stayed behind to visit with his Fam. who were there on business.


  1. Did you take the elevator or climb the stairs? I won't lie, we elevator'd it.
