Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So, When you type Venice into the GPS... it gives you directions to Venice California. Super helpful, huh?
So, after remembering I say Venice spelled weird in a magazine, I re-typed it properly, and we were on our way.
It is the most beautiful place ever. No cars, makes it very quiet.
We packed light, so we parked our car, and grabbed our backpacks, and the bag I was using as a purse (Which mike has told me he's going t throw in the garbage when we got home, cause it's not secure...)
Went to the internet cafe, found a fancy-ass-hotel for 1/2 price, that was right on the grand canal.
Dropped off our bags and started exploring.
Venice makes me want to paint.
The Shawl I bought in Milan is coming in handy as it crams nicely into a purse pocket.
Window shopping here is fabulous... there are actually glove stores... GLOVE STORES!!!

We watched soccer, had cocktails and watched the sunset... Just before I tool this picture... there was a girl smoking who wouldn't get out of the way... just standing there... smoking... and scratching her boob for abour 3 minutes... and yes... I took a picture of that... but I will spare you. We finally found dinner at 11:30... and thus far, we have not been blown away by italian food in Italy... I think we went to bed at 2... again... Yes!

1 comment:

  1. wow wow...Venice looks so amazing. And I want to see the picture of the lady scratching her boob and smoking. Don't hold out, Bridget.

    Please paint something...
