Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last day of school!!!

So, today was the last day of school, and tonight, I pick up Travis at the train station. We will party in France all weekend, then head out to Italy & beyond... (Assuming MM gets a week off work)
To celebrate, I bought some Lavender at the market... Summer is upon us, and that mean the little man in the clock tower has changed... though he now appear to be a she...
To celebrate the summer solstice, all the towns have a fete de St. Jean... in which there is a huge bonfire lit, there is food and drink (well... moonshine...) and music... and as the fire begins to die down, they spread out the flames and hot coals in a line... and children jump over it... yep... c'est bon. As far as what I learned in French class...
When someone sneezes, you say "à tes souhaits"...

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