Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bulldozer day

When I picked up up Mike from work today, we had to go by our friend Sergei's house to check on his septic tank construction, as we said we'd do that whilst he's out of town.
He house is surrounded by Lilac shrubs, and in a really nice part of Vinon, so we brought a picnic. We watched the sunset, ate bread & cheese while gliders soared overhead... and after a couple of beers, we found that the bulldozer was left unlocked... hehehehe.


  1. I've decided its weird for me to read your blog and then not comment. I feel like I'm stalking you, and yet you invited me here. Weird. did it work out with the septic tank? I guess that's a dumb question. I doubt there'd be cute little pictures of you in a bulldozer if something had gone awry. I just spent the last few hours at a Hooters in Fremont with some friends who are getting married. The company was great, but the Hooters girls in San Diego are way hotter.

    So I know nada French, but I just googled "Kind regards in French" and it says I should say "cordialement." That's what it said on wiki answers, so it must be true.


  2. Thanks, Kimmie. I Like it when people leave comments :-)
