Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last day in Spain

Alrighty... so... we went to the beach, drank Sangria, toured the city by bus, ate local food, looked at the Picasso Museum, saw all things Gaudi, found some local hotspots, found a few irish pubs, drank a lot of mojitos, beers, and Cava... walked and walked and walked...
The last day in Barcelona was a chance to have one last pop at the city.
There was an Antique place we wanted to go, as we are planning on finding my engagement ring here. We went to about 8 vintage jewelry stores, and found nothing we liked. We went to one modern jewelry store and found one we liked, but we didn't like the setting.
We went in a few stores, and then it was off to the Place we both wanted to explore the most. La Sagrada Família.

They started building this crazy place in 1895. They are STILL BUILDING IT. Just look at the pretty pictures.
We took at elevator all the way to the top... then walked down the longest, tiniest, spiral staircase.
It is even prettier and bigger than I thought it would be.


  1. Haha, when Jason was in Barcelona for work his friend had the best line about Gaudi: "It's amazing that someone so insane managed to be so prolific."

  2. Beautiful pic's Bridget!!! It looks like you guys had a great weekend!

  3. C'est magnifique!!
