Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rainy Day Rant

Things I like about France.
It's Pretty. Cheese, bread & wine are almost free. Lots of stuff to see. I found Ravoli that is almost like chef Boyardee. Bocce Courts everywhere! Belgian Beers in the grocery store for a euro. My favorite cornichons are only 2 euro for a huge jar. Super Train! Being so close to any & everything in Europe. The french fries here are GOOD. Food is good in France.

Things I don't like about France. Dogs poop any & everywhere. I don't speak French. Roads are crap. Gas costs 9 bucks a gallon. There are crazy rules here about who can & can't say hello & when you can eat cheese. Pink wine. Door dings are socially accepted. Everything is closed on Sundays.

I have also found I miss the following; American television. Marshalls.

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