Sunday, April 25, 2010


So, the best French wine we have had whilst in France is from a Region called Châteauneuf-du-Pape. After the hiking, we decided to head on up there.
It was a lovely drive, as all the flowers here are coming alive. Tulips, wisteria, lilac, exploding all over.
We got to Châteauneuf-du-Pape and stopped at the Castle. We had some lovely wine and purchased some truffle oil... Mmmmm...
Then it was off to the town square, where we found a lovely little cave, drank some more delicious wine, and had a fantastic time with a French lady who spoke as much english as we spoke french... HA!
On the way to the car, we saw a bottle shape we recognized and stopped into one last place... we were chatting with this woman, and drinking wine, and we fully intendaded to purchase one from her... until she told us that the one we liked was 180 Euro...
I'm not sure if that was the actual price or the stupid american price... but she was trying to offer us some special deal of 80 Euro for another of the wines we liked...

She obviously has never met us, because I'm fairly certain that paying 30 bucks for a bottle of wine makes me kinda nauseous... as much as I enjoy wine... to put it eloquently... there was no frickin way...
We felt bad that we had drank lots of wine, but it didn't appear that she was getting the hint that we were looking for something more reasonably priced... so, Mike said we had to think about it... and that it was getting late... she asked if were were staying in town, and Mike said we were not sure... so she WALKED US TO A HOTEL behind her shop...
At which point we almost got stuck... once the lady left, we explained to the nice couple that we didn't need the room, and promptly ran away.

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