Friday, April 2, 2010


Today was a good day.
I made salsa in France.
This may sound prosaic, but locating the ingredients to accomplish this was far more difficult than I had anticipated.
I went to Shopi, found chips, tomatoes, peppers, green onions, cumin, vinegar... and that was it.
There was another tiny fruit & veggie stand that was closed for lunch (lots of places close for 2 hours between 1200 & 1400 for lunch)
So I walked back down there, got cilantro... they had one bunch of cilantro.
You'd think I had found gold I was so happy.
I grilled the veggies on a cast iron grill stove top, and tried to napalm myself in the process.
It's much easier with a grill & a food processor.
The Salsa was a raging success.
I also figured out how to watch Chuck online :-)
This made me very happy, and Mike too.
We chopped up an avocado to have with the salsa, which was a bit heavy on the cilantro, as I was very excited about it...
and we drank Mexican beer.
So good.
It tasted and smelled like home.

1 comment:

  1. Mexican beer in France?! They might kick you out! (yaaaaaay!)
