Monday, April 19, 2010

Every major tourist city has it... the double decker bus you can hop on and off all day. That was the plan for today. We woke up at the crack of 10, and decided to forgo the luxuries of coffee, and head straight for more bocadillos. We caught the bus, and got a nice overview of all things Gaudi :-)

It is such a beautiful city. It got pretty cold today, but we toughed it out on the top of the bus anyhow. Last night we saw the small Gaudi church... and it was lovely. Today, we saw the Sangrada Familia... which made me get kinda weepy, as I've stared at it in history books countless times. We are going to explore it more tomorrow.
We also saw the Casa Batlló and Casa Milà.
We walked on the beach, and sampled a few sangria's. Mine are better :-)
We walked home through the streets and found a Tea shop. We sniffed and sampled teas, and found one that was very unique.
Dinner tonight was wonderful.
We had heard about a place called Los Caracoles. I read up on it, and then a group that was stranded in Spain because if the Volcano also recommended it. You enter it through the bar, then you walk through this fantastic kitchen. The restaurant kinda reminded me of Buca de Bepo... except that it's about 200 years old. We both had Paella and Cava Sangria, which I will make for you when you visit.
We made friends with the Norwegian tourists, also stuck in Spain, and they shared their very fancy red wine with us, and introduced us to Klaus. (You'll have to ask me about Klaus. Also a very funny Barcelona story.)
We had planned on cheese for a last course, but we were full and they kicked us out, as us and the rowdy Norwegians were the last people in the place.
We got home early tonight... 1am.
Sooo Sleepy.

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