Friday, April 9, 2010

May 25th

That is the day we get the keys to the new house.
5 weeks earlier than we had expected.
The address is;
11 impasse Blanc Faustin
83560 Vinon-sur-Verdon France

Ann, you're going to miss it by a WEEK!

We meandered around Monosque last night. Had a couple of beers at a cafe, people watching, and just, well, being at a cafe in France drinking beer.
We stopped by a shop and got a couple of sandwiches, and walked through the tiny streets, window shopping, and convincing ourselves that the house will be big enough.

We had fancy champagne when we got home.

Tonight I am making meat sauce for Mike, Ben(the owners adult son) & Kermie(a woman from Tenessee who just started working at iter who is also staying here), as both of the owners are away for at least a week... maybe more.
It's a very odd situation.

It's a beautiful day today, to contrast the freezing rainy day we had yesterday.


  1. I thought this was the weekend you were going to Germany? The place you went hiking was purdy!!!
