Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fancy French Dinner

On Monday another couple arrived for a 3 day stay. Michael Patrick (which we all thought was hilarious) and his wife Chris.
They are from Chicago and we had a lot of fun "drinking wine and telling lies."
Since last night was their last night, we all were treated to a very fancy french dinner.
Grilled frogs legs (Which a so gross LOOKING, but really aren't bad.) Escargot, which I love. Fresh peas, grilled tomatoes, and quail stuffed with foie gras.
It was explained to us that traditionally, the heads are left on the quails, but they figured it would be easier to eat with the heads off... they were heartily thanked for this.
Dessert was tiny ice cream cones dipped in belgium chocolate... basically min french drumsticks. Mmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Those frog legs do look disgusting! But I bet the ice cream was worth it. :)

    I give you major kudos for trying all that unusual food. I'm more picky than you about what I eat and don't eat, so I admire your willingness to eat whatever is put in front of you.

    I'm enjoying reading about your life in France. :)

    ~ Emily
