Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mary's House

Today we drove out past Saint-Maximin, where we went the day after I arrived. We drove past the Basilica, and up the scariest road yet, (I believe I actually turned white & made an imprint in the door handle) to the village of Sainte-Baume. Not so much a village as it is a few buildings and a park. There is a place to stay there, run by nuns, and it's suppose to be rather nice, and very cheap.
But we went there to hike to the top of the cliff and see grotto of Mary Magdalene.

One of the coolest places I have been so far.
You hike through a beautiful forrest. Up some steep trails to this Abby built into the side of a cliff. We walked around and lit 2 candles. Then a monk asked us if you could please leave, as they were about to begin their daily prayer. So, we went outside to take some pictures, and then... the monks started chanting. It was surreal.
The hike down was easy, and then we went home & had a beer taste testing.

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